My Sofa and Sugar Cube

I am sitting on my new-to-me sofa.  It is in my new living room and I’m staring at a blank wall that will one day house a book shelf, television, various geodes, paintings and an elk shed or two.  Two only if I find another one, ha!  I have the internet.  It is amazing.  We aren’t living here yet, sadly enough.  The sofa, 2 chairs, a bulb-less lamp and small table grace the space.  The beds are assembled but not fully made and the plumbing has yet to be hooked up.  And we kinda ran out of money so I won’t have a kitchen until the fall.  Or whenever Jesus comes back.  I just hope He waits until I get my kitchen.  On the bright side, we arranged a semi-adorable mini kitchen to make do.  And we have a grill and a crock pot and a fridge and a coffee pot and a toaster oven that will bake like 6 cookies at a time.  No one is going to starve.

Perfect. As soon as the plumbing is hooked up. Thanks Ikea!

Almost all our things are piled up in the shop/game room attached to the kitchen.  I have too much crap.  I haven’t seen most of it in 11 months and missed only a small portion.  Mostly my dishes and coffee cups.  You may recall I kinda have a thing for dishes and coffee cups that boarders on sick.

A small pile of junk. There are 3 more plus another 6 x 40 foot storage container. Y’all need anything?

I’m in love with my floor.  And the wall colors.  And trim colors.  My amazing friend, Julie, helped me choose the colors.  My amazing mother helped me paint the living room and kitchen.  My not-so-amazing self did the rest over about 3 weeks.  It made my neck and arms hurt but was very rewarding.  The floor is in due entirely to another amazing friend and former neighbor, who, along with his daughter, knocked the entire house out in 2 weekends.  Another amazing friend brought dinner last weekend.  Smoked chicken, dill/cabbage salad, mint tea, roasted corn and the most amazing brownies ever baked in a cast iron skillet.  I had forgotten food could taste so good!

I am a lucky girl.  Even if I don’t have a kitchen and this entire process has rendered me fat, grumpy and running in circles.  I am only here now because Sugar Cube has to eat dinner.  Sugar Cube was born last month to a mama cow who took not the slightest interest in her.  We tried to force her to let the baby suck, we tried to supplement.  At one point she was so weak she couldn’t stand up.  Now I am happy to report she is strong, eating sweet feed and bouncing around the pen as a calf should.  But, I have to drive here twice a day to feed her.  60 miles a day.  Blah.

Lucky for her, she is adorable!

Next week, next week the plumbing will be hooked up.  And I’m going to move.  And blog more.  And lose 40 pounds.  In that order.

Love y’all!

(And yes, I feed the calf in ballet flats and a dress.  It’s a fat girls uniform.  Don’t judge!)

5 thoughts on “My Sofa and Sugar Cube

  1. Pingback: Wicked Walk 28/May/18 | The Wicked Chicken

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