Meet the Flock-Part Four

I have vowed to never name another chicken. The last chicken I named was Moses. Moses and the Israelites I called them. There was one Moses and about 30 Israelites. I should have known better, Moses never made it to the Promised Land. However, one of the Israelites (who shall remain unnamed) has become my all-time most favorite chicken ever. It isn’t her stunning plumage, striking posture or impressive headgear. I have lots of chickens will all these qualities, but the unnamed Israelite…..she loves me. I brought her home because she was so tiny and when she began to feather out she started to come to me every time I visited the pen. She would hop on my toes with her little scaled feet and peer up at me when all the others were running madly for a corner. She would fly up and sit on my shoulders, chirping in my ear. Softly, not a loud, annoying “I want food!” chirp, more of a “Hi Mama, I love you” chirp. If I knelt down, she was in my lap, begging me to stroke her tiny back.  I was a little worried when I introduced her to the main flock she would lose all affection for me and just become another, adorable chicken.  So far, she has not.  She still greets me happily, comes to sit in my lap while all the rest are chasing bugs and seeks me out each time I’m in the yard.  I seriously love this chicken.

"Hi everybody!  nice to meet you!  Did you know I'm Mama's FAVORITE chicken?"

“Hi everybody! Nice to meet you! Did you know I’m Mama’s FAVORITE chicken?”

She knows, I think, that she is special.  Just look at how she peers down on her flock mates from my lap.

"What'cha doing down there guys?"

“What’cha doing down there guys? I see you Turk-Turk!”

She will sit for awhile then hops down to forage a bit...

She will sit for a while then hops down to forage a bit…

She is shorter than the Bahia grass!

She is shorter than the Bahia grass!

I just happened to luck up with a rooster who matches her, here she is with him.

I just happened to luck up with a rooster who matches her, here she is with him.

I could hardly believe our good fortune when I ended up with her a perfect husband, see him in Part Three.

It is hard for me to get good photos of her because she is always so close!

It is hard for me to get good photos of her because she is always so close!

So you can really see how tiny she is I snapped these.  She is standing with my Barred Rock hen, they were hatched within 2 days of one another!

She is like a mini Barred Rock.

She is like a mini Barred Rock.

Off to find some snacks!

Off to find some snacks!

She and I.

She and I.

Did I mention I love her?


9 thoughts on “Meet the Flock-Part Four

  1. Bless her little feathered heart! I so understand – and she is just ADORABLE! People think I’m a bit mad to love my chickens as I do – my baby pet is a hen called Dusty Dustball, now about 3 months old – I’ve posted about her quite a bit. There is a video of us called Chickie Love III. She seeks me out in the pen, yes, she knows she is special! I think it is because I picked her ice cold body out of her sticky shell after she had been abandoned. I had to scramble to save her and couldn’t believe that within an hour, she was up and looking me in the eye, basking in the warmth of the heat lamp while we chirped at each other (I speak fluent chickie – even my grandsons can’t tell if it’s me or the chicks). I think I imprinted on her or something. Yes, my fellow chicken momma – I get it. What a lovely post! xx MH

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  2. Poor dear thing! This reminds me of my good friend Amanda who recently rescued a chick from the throat of a snake! She jammed a flashlight in its mouth and extracted the poor, wet, about to be digested chick! It was bewildered yet peeping and is alive and well today! The things we do for those we love!

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  3. Pingback: Chick-Chick | The Wicked Chicken

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