Wicked Walk 9/30/2015

My last walk of September was, as you may recall, taken in Wyoming.  Our annual elk hunting trip hit the Cowboy State this year, thanks to careful planning and the luck of the draw.  I’ll touch more on our 2 week adventure later this week but for now I’d like to share the photos I took our first Wednesday in camp.  Everyone else had gone for a horseback ride, I knew I’d be getting plenty of that after opening day so I opted to stay close to the tent and see what I could see.

Also, I would like to dedicate this walk to one of my readers, Dave.  Dave, thanks for faithfully reading, commenting and brightening my days.  I know how much you love Wyoming, so this one is for you!

Here is what I saw.

walk wy horsewalk wy horse

The fellows leaving to check out some trails…….

Meanwhile I check out a stuffed-cheeked chipmunk

walk wy chipmunk

Cuteness! More on these later, I took around 152,453 pictures of them.

Anytime you are tent camping and a carcass pole is available, it gives you a little exhilarating nervousness.
walk wy signwalk wy
And just in case you were wondering, we did use it.
walk wy tree
There was a huge fire in the area in 2009, as a result there are a lot of standing toothpick trees, burned black and completely naked.
walk wy creek
But the creeks and rivers flow on!
walk wy moss
I made my way past some moose poop and grizzly bear tracks, and into the river bottom adjacent to the field we were camping near.
walk wy creekwalk wy creekwalk wy creek
The water was shallow, cold and teeming with fishes.

walk wy field peak
A 10 minute walk, back at camp, the view from my chair looked something like this…..
walk wy field
Thanks for walking Wyoming with me today!

13 thoughts on “Wicked Walk 9/30/2015

  1. Oh wow, what an honor! Thank for you for dedicating this walk to me and it is so beautiful that I’m not sure I deserve it! I love all your photos as you have such an eye for the simple beauty of God’s creation! I hope the trip was a beautiful time of relaxation for you! It sure looks like it was! I hope my wife and I get to take another trip out west and especially to a place like this in Wyoming and stay for a few days as the other trips were to the more touristy places! Thank you so much for thinking about me and you sure made my day! God bless you Rachel!


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