Wicked Walk 28/May/18

I promised y’all a walk soon and here it is! I suppose 97% of Americans who aren’t at work on Memorial Day spend it at the lake.  I am not part of the 97%.  First of all, I can’t swim.  I sink like a rock.  Secondly, I’m REALLY white.  Like, blindingly and I don’t want…

Wicked Walk 8-September-17

Highly ambitious, I set out with a goal of walking 5 miles this bright, blue September morning.  A goal I reached in about an hours time.  I could go faster, but then I’d miss all the lovies along the way! Here is what I saw. I guess all my lamenting over lack of mushrooms a…

Wicked Walk ~ Labor Day 2017

Good afternoon, dear reader!  I’ve been away for quite some time, trying to get back into the swing of things.  While I was gone, WordPress changed formats so I’m thoroughly confused.  Therefore, if this post looks bad, isn’t centered or whatever……I’m sorry.  I don’t do change well and I’ve had a lot of them thrown…

Wicked Walk 18~March~2017

Hello everyone!  I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 months since I’ve been able to blog.  Lots has happened, including but not limited to the following. A) I painted my front door green. B)  It’s a bad, bright green therefore I am going to have to repaint it. C) The cows are settled in their new…

Wicked Walk 1/21/2017

It has been ages since I’ve taken a really long walk.  A walk which I didn’t have to rush thru like a mad person.  My main purpose of walking today was to get some pictures of these awesome mushrooms I found the previous day.  They peeked their little heads above the tall grass.  Red, slender tubes,…

Wicked Walk 1/14/2017

My first walk of 2017 was short and rather uneventful.  I had spent the morning planting shrubs, sanding various wooden objects and listening to Hair Bands on Pandora.  Some of the best advice I ever received was to go ahead and pay the 4.99 a month for commercial free radio.  It’s insanely better. Anyway, I…

Wicked Walk 11/25/2016

I know, I know….this walk is from November.  But I’ve been a little busy with the holidays, building a house, working and home schooling and trying to keep everyone in clean underwear.  And you know, life. I can not tell you how ready I am in to be back in a house of my own.  To sip coffee…

Gone Fishin’

The men and boys in my life love to bow hunt.  This has never appealed to me for various reasons.  Bow season is still hot in Texas.  Which means the mosquitos are still awful.  And, you can’t wear repellent.  And it’s hot.  And well, I just don’t have time for all that. However, I do have…

Sweet Home Alabama

Remember that Pitcher Plant bog a few days ago?  Well, it wasn’t the only thing we saw during our weekend trip!  While my large self cannot fit into my bathing suit at the moment, it didn’t stop me from enjoying the sun, sand, and company. Addie could hardly contain herself and as soon as we hit the…